Hardness Test Fee


processing fee

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processing fee

processing fee

Contact the Breed Warden in advance of hunting season if you are planning on testing and certifying your dog. The Breed Warden will send you an HN Certification card JGHV Formblatt 22 along with instructions for completion. Upon documentation of HN, immediately submit the completed card to the Breed Warden along with a check or money order made payable to DL-GNA in the amount of $25.00.  The Breed Warden will officially stamp the HN Certification card and immediately forward to the JGHV in Germany for processing. In the event that the HN Certification card does not reach Germany within 21 days of the documented HN event, an additional $25.00 late fill will be imposed payable to DL-GNA by the responsible party, in this case either the owner of the dog or the Breed Warden.

Hip/Shoulder/Elbow X-Ray
Breeding Certification Fee